Why We Need to Thank J.K. Rowling
by Jeff Stoyanoff
I believe that all of us Harry Potter maniacs, and the rest of the world whether they like it or not, owe a great deal of gratitude to J.K. Rowling. The difference that Harry Potter has made in each of our lives is immeasurable. I am not saying that this difference is noticeable everyday, but I am saying that this difference is inside each of us all the time. J.K. Rowling has helped us believe again! She has helped us dream, she has helped many of us regain our creativity, and she has brought new life to the fantasy genre in literature.
Harry Potter has been the little spark of creativity and imagination to get kids around the world to turn off their televisions and video games in exchange for a book. Reading is fun again! Kids want to read, and after reading the Harry Potter books, they want to write too! The number of Harry Potter follow-up compositions, commonly known as “fan fics,” has been unprecedented within the past decade.
The best thing about J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is that it appeals to all ages. No matter what age, Harry Potter has a certain appeal to all of us. Harry Potter is not merely a children’s book series! Many teens and adults read the series because it is entertaining. Almost everyone has a place in his or her heart for Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of our favorites at Hogwarts. The broad spectrum of readers is just another credit to J.K. Rowling’s literary genius.
J.K. Rowling is the J.R.R. Tolkien of our time. In some respects, she even surpasses Tolkien. Many may call Harry Potter “a bunch of silly wand-waving,” but those that say such things have obviously never read the books. Harry Potter is much more. It is an enjoyable read for anyone that appreciates a good book.
Thank you, J.K. Rowling.