Gryffindor Tower #18: Goodbye For Now
by Dan
Okay, no reason to beat around the bush here. If you guys are those types who don’t care what’s going on in my life, don’t read this, you won’t enjoy it one bit. Then again, I hope no one really enjoys it…I’d hate to think that someone out there is dancing around their keyboard because I’m leaving…
You guys know I haven’t been here, and I know that as well. The truth is, I’ve been busy, too busy to have a social life of my own, let alone do anything outside of schoolwork/job. That’s why this will be the last edition of Gryffindor Tower.
After talking to Nancy, one of the editors, I have decided to take an indefinite sabbaticals from my editorial column. Let me explain basically what that means.
By doing this, I am hoping that, one day, I will be able to return to my normal regular format. However, that cannot happen right now. I will be, as I said, on indefinite sabbatical. But I will write whenever I can, and when I do, however sporadically that may be, you will be able to view my columns here, as always. Moreover, the day is going to come when we will be able to dedicate more time to MuggleNet, and when that does happen, you will see Gryffindor Tower returning from sabbatical leaves.
I suppose that’s all, except for…
The bottom line is this, guys and girls: I would not be writing for MuggleNet if it weren’t for all of you. I could very well jot my thoughts down on paper and save them for myself, but because I know you wanted to read what I had to say, I did this. I love writing for MuggleNet, and I love all of the fans here. Every email I’ve ever gotten (and you’d never believe how many I have if I told you) has left some lasting mark on my heart. And whether you wrote to insult me, contradict me, argue with me, agree with me, or just simply thank me, the mere fact that you took time out of your lives to contact me has left me feeling horrible about having to leave the site for the time being. If you’ve never believed a word I’ve ever said, believe this, because I truly thank each and every single one of you for reading my column. I remember one column called “by the fans”…that may have only been one time, but Gryffindor Tower was forthe fans all of the time.
In the meanwhile, I want to ask you all, please, to not email the MuggleNet staff about when I will be back. If you want to know when I’ll be writing again, email me using the feedback form. Speaking of, you are always welcome to email me anytime you want, about anything you want. It may take a bit, but I promise I’ll answer every email I get.
Thank you so very much for everything you all have said and done. Thanks also to Emerson, Jamie, and the rest of the MuggleNet staff for allowing me to stay here. I will be back one day, seriously. I can still remember the first time I saw Sorcerer’s Stone…hell, I ended up writing an editorial about that! But Emerson and I decided to call it “The Story of a 19-Year-Old Skeptic.” Well, it wasn’t until I met all of you that I realized how skeptical I truly was. More than anything, Harry Potter has helped me to meet a whole new world of people. And I can never thank any of you enough for letting me slide into it with you. So, until next time…