Harry Potter, Nancy Drew, and Dr. Seuss
by Bob
I guess I’ve read all the editorials, not just on MuggleNet, but in the Unofficial Guide and The Plot Thickens. They’re all well thought out and more than a few are definitely on to something. But some seem to be grasping a bit, as if the conclusion came first, and then the author backtracked into the proof. The thing that most makes me say “hmmm” is comparing the Harry Potter books to other pieces of literature, and the supposed similarities and clues that can be found. I wondered just how hard it is to find these similarities. To that end, I selected three different sources at random: the Bible, the first 7 Nancy Drew books, and Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham. Lets see what secrets they unveil:
The first 7 books of the Bible are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges. Each of these holy books has a theme. Genesis is the beginning, in which we learn of Man’s fall from grace. The Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone is the beginning of the HP saga, in which Voldemort falls from power. Coincidence? (Of course it is!)
The second book of the Bible, Exodus, tells of the exodus or deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The second book in the Potter lexicon tells of the deliverance from the Chamber of Secrets, as well as Dobby’s deliverance from slavery. Coincidence? (Of course it is!)
The third book in the Bible is Leviticus, which documents the Law that the Jews must follow (including bans on eating pork, purity laws, laws for divorce, etc.). The Prisoner of Azkaban, the third Harry Potter book, deals with wizard law and those who (allegedly) violated the law. Just as Leviticus deals with purity, PoA gives us more of the half-blood/pure-blood/Mudblood foreshadowing. Coincidence? (Now I’m starting to wonder ).
The fourth book in the Bible, Numbers, describes the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert and the challenges they faced. Goblet of Fire describes Harry’s wanderings in the maze, and more importantly the challenges of the Tri-Wizard tournament. What more proof do you need that the Bible is the key to the whole series?
The fifth book of the Bible, Deuteronomy, means second law in Hebrew. In Order of the Phoenix we see the primary source of order and laws, the Ministry of Magic, and how ineffectual they are. It is the second law, the Order of the Phoenix, that is truly working for what is right.
I haven’t read the sixth and seventh Harry Potter books, so I cant make any Biblical analogies, but the clues are sure there: Joshua tells of conquering the land of Canaan. Surely book 6 deals with conquering Death Eaters? The Order of the Phoenix? Obviously, a big battle will be the climax of the story. The book of Judges is a book of defeat and deliverance. I dont think I’m going too far out on a limb when I predict that book 7 in the Harry Potter series will include the defeat of Voldemort and the deliverance of enslaved house elves, goblins, and all manner of magical folk.
So much for the Bible. Now lets look at Nancy Drew. The first 7 books in the Nancy Drew series are:
- Secret of the Old Clock
- The Hidden Staircase
- The Bungalow Mystery
- Mystery at Lilac Inn
- Secret of Shadow Ranch
- Secret of Red Gate Farm
- The Clue in the Diary
In Nancy Drew, book 1, Nancy is searching for a will which is hidden behind the glass face of an old clock. Harry Potter, book 1, Harry is searching for the Philosopher’s stone, which is hidden behind the glass of the Mirror of Erised.
In Nancy Drew, book 2, Nancy finds a hidden staircase to solve the mysterious happenings in an old stone mansion. Harry Potter 2: Harry finds a hidden tunnel leading to the Chamber of Secrets, and thus solves the mysterious happenings in an old stone castle.
Nancy Drew, book 3: Nancy discovers the truth about a mysterious bungalow. Harry Potter, book 3: Harry discovers the truth about a mysterious shack.
Nancy Drew, book 4: Orphans, an impostor pretending to be Nancy (even using her charge card), secret agents, and beautiful ghosts in the night all play a part in finding stolen jewels. Harry Potter, book 4: Harry, an orphan, is fooled by an impostpr (Moody/Crouch), who pretends to be, not a secret agent, but a retired Auror. Fleur is beautiful and there’s something ghostly about her pure white hair…
Nancy Drew, book 5: a ranch is haunted by a phantom, ghostly horse. Harry Potter, book 5: Thestrals, skeletal-looking, flying horses, help Harry get to the MoM.
What hints can we get from books 6 and 7 in the Nancy Drew series? Nancy Drew 6: Nancy becomes suspicious of a secret society. Harry Potter 6: Harry suspects a traitor in the secret Order of the Phoenix?
Nancy Drew 7: Nancy uses a lost diary to exonerate an innocent prisoner. This obviously points to both CoS (lost diary) and PoA (exonerating a falsely accused prisoner). Whatever happens in the final Harry Potter book, rest assured Sirius plays a part, regardless of his death in book 5. Also expect Voldemort’s history as Tom Riddle to play a big part. Don’t take my word for it–the proof is right there in Nancy Drew! You don’t think its just a coincidence, do you?
Okay, last book: Green Eggs and Ham. Surely there are no similarities between Harry Potter and Sam I Am? Wanna bet?
I do not like Green Eggs and Ham.
I do not like them Sam, I am.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like them in a boat (first years ride a boat to Hogwarts, Durmstrang ship).
I would not, could not, with a goat (Aberforth is linked to goats).I will not eat them in the rain (lots of rain in book 3).
I do not like them on a train (Hogwarts Express).
I do not like them in a box (maze).
I will not eat them with a fox.
I do not like them in a house (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin).
I would not, could not, with a mouse (or a rat? Wormtail, maybe?).
I do not like Green Eggs and Ham.
I do not like them,
Sam, I am.
I admit that Dr. Seuss is just some random words, but if I can prove that Nancy Drew and the Bible are the keys to Harry Potter, I have to wonder just how right some of these other editorials are. ^_^