The Two-Way Mirror #28: Notice of Column Interruption

by Daniela

Dear readers,

It is time for me to leave the magic world of Harry Potter.

I hadn’t opened a Harry Potter book in almost two months, and I did today, thinking to write an editorial. I looked at the pictures and the titles with a strange feeling of nostalgia, as if I saw Harry’s world come alive again before my eyes. It’s such a strong sensation after a long absence to see a drawing of Slughorn and know his lively story is written in fun letters right below. I almost dived right in to take a longed for bath.

But I realized it is too hard to write after a long absence. I need to plunge heart and soul into whatever interests me, to have Harry Potter on my mind night and day. Otherwise I can’t write an editorial. Because I can no longer afford to have such dedication, I can’t continue writing a column.

I know a few people asked for my promised sequels, Harry’s Dreams Part III, Snape’s Trial Part II, an editorial on inversion patterns between all the books, and an expansion of the Triwizard tasks and the seven books to include Book Six. I am sorry not to be able to write them.

I can’t help still visiting MuggleNet and reading editorials once in a while, so perhaps I will still occasionally post my ideas every now and then in the threads. Maybe I will still write a couple of editorials in the future, but it will not be for a long time.

Best wishes,
