The Magic Quill #110: Refilling the Ink Pot
by Robbie Fischer
Please bear with the Quill and me as we take one week away from the Hog’s Head storyline. A couple weeks ago I asked you readers how long The Magic Quill should continue.
Let me count the future installments…
- Iam says: “I think that The Magic Quill is definitely worth our while!”
- Sheryl writes: “I love the stories on The Magic Quill and I am constantly checking this site to see if the latest one has been added. I would hate to think that this was the end of them.”
- Hamza exclaims: “YES, YES, YES!!! It is definitely worth it! I have been reading The Magic Quill since it was started. Please don’t discontinue it!!
- Linda adds: “Speaking for myself, I would be heart broken if you discontinued TMQ. When I first discovered MuggleNet and subsequently TMQ I was completely fascinated. I still am. I got the nerve to try writing by reading TMQ and have used some of the ideas in my own fanfic…I love to participate in the contest/survey and I am so thrilled when one of my ideas is accepted! Sometimes the ideas that don’t get accepted are stored away waiting to enter my own fanfic when the time comes. I can’t make up your mind for you, but I would be devastated and my life would be a lot less fun without TMQ. Not only do I like the stories, it has pushed me to writing for the first time in my life and I’m 55 years old! I think that is a huge accomplishment and a compliment to you personally.”
- Knieve says, “I think that the best column on MuggleNet is TMQ. I check everyday to see if the next one is up.”
- Klara in Austria writes, “I really love to read The Magic Quill and it would be great if you could carry on with it.”
- “I really enjoy reading The Magic Quill. You are an excellent storyteller,” says Kim.
- Kassie enthuses: “I just wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job on The Magic Quill and that I greatly appreciate all the work that you have done. Thank you! I LOVE reading The Magic Quill.”
- The same Kassie wrote in a separate message, “I greatly enjoy reading The Magic Quill. I look for it every week and I have missed it the last few weeks! I really hope that you don’t quit writing it, but if you need to, I completly understand. I do want you to know that your work is very much appreciated, at least by me. Thank you for everything that you do!”
- Katie says, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please don’t stop The Magic Quill. Not now, not when it’s come so far. It’s better than half the stuff on MFF, you can’t stop it!”
- George remarks, “Please do not stop TMQ!!! It is very enjoyable and though I do not have time to contribute, the stories are exquisite and I would miss them terribly.”
- Kalie shouts, “Don’t you dare quit The Magic Quill! I love the column and the stories, if it stops, where will I be entertained? You do a GREAT job with TMQ. Don’t stop – I love it!”
- Geneva prays, “Please don’t stop the MQ. I look forward to each one. DON’T STOP!”
- Samuel opines, “I have been reading TMQ for some months but have never written back with comments or ideas…Regarding whether to continue or not, I can tell you that I will miss it if you “go dark,” but I think that you should not continue writing simply to please readers. You must enjoy the writing or you would not have kept at it for so long. Perhaps the thing to do is to write when you feel like it and when you have the time. Thanks for your work to this point. It has been a lot of fun to read.”
- _houdini writes, “I know how time-consuming it is to write brilliant stories and a bit tiring too when it’s just out of passion but you have done wonderfully so far to write over a hundred interesting chapters that keep at least a few of us coming back for more…If you want to end…PLEASE do it nicely and not abruptly or find a friend/friends to help out with the fortnightly chapters…But whatever you do, keep up the good work. I will definitely continue reading TMQ and participate in the Double Challenge with enthusiasm.”
- Jennifer reasons, “Please don’t stop writing The Magic Quill. I like many others really enjoy and look forward to reading it each week. Maybe there will be more feedback after the first of the year when the Christmas rush is over, maybe you can take a small break for the time, but please don’t stop writing it altogether.”
- Charlotte declares, “The Magic Quill is pretty much the only thing I check regularly at MuggleNet besides the news. I would really miss The Magic Quill if it decided to retire.”
- Aiden begs, “Please don’t take away The Magic Quill! I really like it and would be very disappointed if it was discontinued, then I wouldn’t have anything to read when my own stories for school and my pet project have me stressed or are not going my way and I need a break. Also, I like how The Magic Quill is unique compared to other editorials I read.”
- Another Jennifer says, “Robbie, I swear The Magic Quill is the only thing that has kept me sane since I read Book 6 for the third time!!! I never reply with feedback ’cause you do such a wonderful job of writing that I can’t think what I could possibly say that would help out the story. I love TMQ and would be so sad if you stopped writing. Please keep it up! I check regularly to see if you have updated!”
- Raluca goes as far as to say, “Please, please, please don’t shut down The Magic Quill!!! It’s the only column I read on MuggleNet. So please, please, please don’t shut it down.”
- Samantha insists, “I hope that you do not stop writing TMQ as it is one of my favorite reasons for visting MuggleNet. I have read every installment so far…but I have never submitted any ideas…but if you continue (please!!!) I promise that I will be active in the life of TMQ and support it through the next 108 chapters. Please continue, I would surely miss the column if it disappeared.”
- Claire responds, “I really like TMQ and have been reading it since about the thirtieth installment. I enjoy being able to have some good involved reading between Jo’s books, and I fear that without The Magic Quill, that area of my brain that craves HP will go into an unpleasant withdrawal. So, at least for my brain’s sake, please keep TMQ going. If you must retire your quill, please at least have a final chapter to rap up the myriad storylines.”
- Avyncentia replies, “Please continue writing The Magic Quill! I love the plots, the characters, the humor, everything! I’ll definitely notice if it goes quietly away. At the very least, the current plotlines need to be finished. Thanks for all the work that you’ve done over the past years. Please keep it up!
- Carol says, “I rather enjoy reading The Magic Quill. It’s one of the few fics I can depend on to entertain me. On the other hand, I understand how precious time can be and if you can’t afford the hours spent on TMQ than it’s only fair to you if you stopped – or at least posted less often. If that is to be the case…I prefer the latter. Hopefully, more readers will respond to your request. Thanks for the 108 entries so far.”
- M. O’M. writes, “I like your column, it is nice to have something to read while we wait for Book 7.
- Eliza interjects, “I enjoy The Magic Quill very much and look forward to each installment! Please don’t stop it, although I understand having lots of demands on your time.”
- Rebecca says, “I love reading The Magic Quill columns. I would be a more involved reader, but I also have very little time. It is a great column and I would hate to see it leave. You have done excellent work and I can never wait til the next one comes out.”
- American Hermy puts it succinctly: “Please keep up The Magic Quill.”
- Sarah suggests, “I look forward to new episodes of The Magic Quill, and it nearly always brings a grin to my face, so I’d be sad if you didn’t still write occasionally. This adventure looks a bit as though it’s drawing to a close, though it is a story within a neverending story – hope you have the germ of an idea to send the MQ Crew off on another madcap trek…”
- Hannah very nicely adds, “Although I do understand the difficulties of creating a weekly-ish column, I would be quite upset if you were to stop writing The Magic Quill. I look forward each week to reading adventures of Merlin, Rigel and Co. I greatly appreciate the time, effort and creativity you expend to keep The Magic Quill. Thank you for all of your work…”
- Roger answers, “Apart from critical messages like ‘Jo has announced there will be books 8, 9 and 10’ … TMQ is my favourite feature. Please keep going!”
- Adele gushes, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! You can’t take away the Quill!!!! Not at CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! I love the Quill! Every morning I come to MuggleNet and every morning I check to see if there’s a new Quill. And when there is I do a happy dance in my computer chair (WEEEEE!!! Watch me spin!). But when there’s not I get a horrible feeling of disappointment. I don’t want to imagine a Quill-free world stretching bleakly into the future…” Then, after vowing to contribute to every future Double Challenge, Adele concludes: “Thank you so much for The Magic Quill! For all your hard work! It is totally worthwhile!”
- Echoreyn says, “I love reading The Magic Quill. Even though I rarely find the time to submit ideas, I always enjoy reading this ongoing imaginative story whenever I come to MuggleNet. If you must end The Magic Quill, please find some way to finish all of the outstanding stories and mysteries at least. I would especially love to read a conclusion to the current tale of Rigel and the others in Gringotts as I find it very thrilling and amusing. Whether or not you choose to continue writing The Magic Quill, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to write all of these stories. They have been truly exciting and wonderful.”
- Emilie says, “I don’t think I’ve ever submitted a comment on TMQ, but I read it eagerly every time a new one comes out. I’d like to see it continue, or, at least, conclude!”
- Nancy argues, “Yes, please continue on with The Magic Quill. At the very least, get the crew out of Gringotts, you can’t leave that part hanging.”
- Benjamin urges, “I only discovered The Magic Quill recently. I managed to limit myself to ten chapters the first day, because I was in the middle of exams and studying. But I finished the next 97 chapters in two days flat. So therefore I would surmise that TMQ qualifies as extremely gripping reading, and I have been returning near-daily to look for updates. Just an encouragement.”
Of course, there were other opinions as well.
- TWZRD suggested recruiting an assistant or apprentice to help.
- Rory, AmyLynn, and Dragonic all expressed regret but understanding if TMQ has to end but, if it does end, some loose ends need to be tied up first.
- And one, and only one reader, distinctly voted to end The Magic Quill. Rachel says, “The first column I ever read was The Burrow. I read some of your editorials and I remember thinking, wow this guy’s really got me thinking. So I read The Magic Quill. I thought it was going to be a column about the mysteries of Harry Potter and I get this fanfiction! What I would really like is editorials where you look at something like, is R.A.B. Regulus Black. And stop all this fanfic stuff.”
To be sure, I wouldn’t mind spending more time writing opinion-type editorials, but as someone pointed out in the long list above, I couldn’t have written 110 chapters of The Magic Quill if it hadn’t been fun! Thanks for your honesty, Rachel. Hopefully time will permit me to please you by writing more opinion stuff, but it does look like the very fictional Magic Quill is on for at least another 36 chapters!
Thanks for your outpouring of appreciation. I’m sorry if my Challenge in Chapter 108 sounded like I was fishing for praise or griping about not getting any gratitude. I really only meant to find out if anyone is still tuned in…and I have my answer!
Also, I hope you all understand that the fewer “votes” each Contest/Survey gets, the harder it is for me to continue The Magic Quill. So I trust that I can count on you all to throw in your two knuts’ worth as often as possible. Don’t worry if your idea doesn’t seem to have much in it. I might see it differently! You’d be amazed at the glimmers of genius I have found in some of your very humble contributions. You never know what little thing may inspire a whole new Magic Quill adventure!