Interviews with OOTP and report from press conference
In a new interview with Ain't It Cool News, Rupert Grint discusses both the upcoming movie Order of the Phoenix and filming Half-Blood Prince. Concerning the fifth movie, Rupert talks about one of the disappointments he faced:
“I was a bit disappointed when Quidditch didn't make it, but I mean… it's such a big book, there's so much to fit in I can understand why they pared it down.
But I'm kinda hoping it'll be in the next one.”
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out in theaters on July 11th.
UPDATE: Ain't It Cool News also has a report from this morning's press conferences with the OOTP cast and crew. It contains information about the fifth and sixth movies, but more interestingly, Book 7.
In the original draft of the screenplay Order of the Phoenix, they had decided to remove a character from the story. Rowling read over the screenplay and said “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” that they were free to do whatever they liked, of course, but “if you make a 7th movie you’ll have tied your hands.”
The report is spoiler-free for those concerned but contains theories from the author.
UPDATE #2: A second interview was also conducted with David Yates. Yates talks about the new movie and the sixth movie as well. In the interview he discusses the relationship between Dumbledore and Harry:
“It’s a very different dynamic this time because there’s a lot more between Dumbledore and Harry. I think we’ll be alright on this one. I’ve got a good feeling.”
He has also said that he has “talked about” coming back for the Deathly Hallows movie as well.