MuggleCast #108: LIVE!

Live from the internet, part one of our huge 12-hour Harry Potter podcast is now available! Today, we have for you the first two hours where we discuss the latest Potter news, take lots of calls, and much more. Including:

– Andrew, Jamie, and Laura entertain you for the first two hours.
– Harry Potter is the top grossing franchise of all time – what do we think?
– Dan on Broadway?
– Andrew and Laura offer themselves out for lunch dates in exchange for tickets to Jo's reading.
– …and proceed to argue over who deserves to go more.
– The hosts discuss school and how the show has had an effect.
– Jamie discusses why he thinks HP classes won't become universal.

To download, we recommend subscribing (for free) via iTunes. That way, your computer will automatically get each new episode as it is released. You can also view full shownotes and find alternate links at the MuggleCast website. The remaining five parts will be released soon. Special thanks to for hosting us as we broadcasted live. Enjoy!