Introducing the 2008 Fan Fiction Meets YouTube Contest
UPDATE: By popular demand we have extended the deadline for submissions to May 21st. Several of you requested more time because school is wrapping up now and the previous deadline was too soon.
For all you budding screenwriters and filmmakers out there MuggleNet, Magical Tours, and Alivan's have come up with the perfect contest for you! All you have to do is re-write a scene from any of the seven Harry Potter books, film it on video, and submit it to YouTube. Go HERE for complete contest details.
1st Prize is a complete set of all the British versions of the Harry Potter books – adult covers, boxed and sealed!
2nd Prize is a Majestic Hogwarts School robe, and
3rd Prize is your choice of wands from the Classic or Majestic Collections both from our friends at Alivan's.
Also, Magical Tours has extended the sign-up dates for last-minute guests for the MuggleNet Express Tour. Go to Magical Tours for more details, and to see a new video from the 2008 Magical Tours Intern, Thomas Pardee check this out.