WB Announces Animated “Potter” Television Series
With Half-Blood Prince premiering this Fall and a two part Deathly Hallows film scheduled to be released by 2011, Warner Brothers has announced today that JK Rowling's upcoming Harry Potter Encyclopedia is in the works to become a possible three season animated series. Producer David Heyman noted, “We have one last opportunity to do Potter justice, and we are going to spend plenty of time on this one to make sure we leave this franchise satisfied. We chose animation to keep the Wizarding World just as limitless as in the books.”
The WB publicity department was quick to note that this is not one last money making opportunity. Rather, the movie studio is very well aware that fans will not be ready to give up Potter once the second part of Deathly Hallows is released. “With that in mind,” notes one publicist (name not given), “we want everyone to get a Potter filling for years to come.”
While no details are official, insiders tell us the series will be a collage of scenes inspired by facts revealed in Rowling's Encyclopedia. Season 1 is slated to be released between late 2012 and early 2013.