BBC captures aerial view of Leavesden Studios
UPDATE: It looks like the video was removed from the BBC.
In lieu of Half-Blood Prince trailer news, BBC is feeding our craving by providing some interesting video shots of Leavesden Studios via helicopter. Leavesden has been used to film most interior and exterior Potter scenes since the beginning of the franchise.
The aerial shots provide a glimpse at several outdoor sets, including Privet Drive, Hagrid's Hut, the Hogwarts Express – Hogwarts station, an entrance to Hogwarts, and one end of a Quidditch pitch.
Additionally, there are several sets that cannot be identified from recognition in past Potter films. Possibilities include the Gaunt's House (CBBC's guess), a part of The Orphanage, and The Burrow.
Watch the video and sound off with your ideas in the comments! Thanks to everyone who e-mailed with the tip.