New interview with Tom Felton

Fan site has scored a very nice interview with the actor who plays Draco Malfoy in the Potter films. In it, he discusses Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows, and a whole lot more. In the HBP portion of the interview, he was asked if he was excited about having a more prominent role in the film:

Tom: Yeah, sure. When David Yates dragged me [aside] at the beginning of it and said, “I have full faith in you,” yadda yadda, and I hope that you’re going to embrace the role and so forth. And I was fairly terrified. We did a read-through with Michael Gambon, and I was petrified at the thought of the final scene.

But after that, I guess I sort of learned a lot on the set, and David Yates was really my motivation. He was very, very, complimentary of everything he saw and very good with direction. He knew exactly what to say to get the results he wanted. And what the producers saw, they were very, very happy as well. And that sort of spurred me on even further. And, it was great fun. I really, really enjoyed it more than any other film, without a doubt. Sort of, embracing the role, if you will, and making the most of it.

You can see the entire interview at these links: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3. A fourth part to the interview will be online in a few days. Thanks to HPANA for the tip!