Update: Dan Radcliffe jeans auctioned for $950
The jeans we told you Equus star Dan Radcliffe would be auctioning off at one of his performances ended up selling for $950. DanRadcliffe.com has this report:
It was hilarious: they started the bid at $50, and it kept going up and up and finally looked like it was going to stop at about $700ish but then it kept battling between these two guys and finally one guy was like “IF HE SIGNS THEM I'LL GIVE $800” and Daniel got really really excited and was like “YES I WILL SIGN THEM!!” and was jumping around on stage! It was so cute! But then the price kept jumping up and finally settled at $950. I have to say, it was adorable to see Daniel so genuinely excited, and he was so funny too! at one point as the bidding was going on he went, “come on now! you all know what happens in these jeans at the end of the first act!”