More sneak peeks from ABC Family
There are a few more sneak peeks from ABC Family's Harry Potter weekend that aired during today's presentations of Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets. You can check them out below:
Sneak Peek #5: Comedy – includes commentary with Dan Radcliffe, David Yates, David Heyman, Rupert Grint, Matthew Lewis and Emma Watson. Heyman calls it the “funniest of films” and Yates says we get a taste of “comedy quidditch”. We also get a first look inside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
Sneak Peek #4: The Story of Tom Riddle – details Voldemort's past and has interviews with Dan Radcliffe, David Heyman and Michael Gambon.
Sneak Peek #3: Meet Professor Slughorn – includes commentary from David Yates, Dan Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Jim Broadbent, and David Barron.
Sneak Peek #2: Love is in the Air – includes commentary from Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Jessie Cave (Lavender Brown).
Sneak Peek #1: The Story (aired last night)
Be sure to keep checking back during the weekend as more clips will be posted as they become available!