Update on MuggleCast LIVE in London
We're just a couple days away from our live podcast at Waterstone's Piccadilly in London, and a few tickets are still available! To grab 'em, visit this page and call the phone number provided in the hours listed. The book store will be taking payments by phone (5 pounds per ticket, which includes the book) through Wednesday morning.
Also, if you received a call back about tickets you reserved but you missed the call: don't fret! Visit this page and call the number. You'll be speaking with a Waterstone's representative who is handling the tickets.
In related news, we're happy to announce that Alivans, Master Wandmakers have provided us with a variety of prizes to give away during the podcast. We'll likely be giving away these prizes by having attendees answer trivia questions, so be sure to brush up on your Beedle and general Potter knowledge!