MuggleCast #172: Interviewing the Illustrator
The latest episode of our Harry Potter podcast is now available, and this week's episode features a special interview with the illustrator of the US Potter books: Mary GrandPre! In her first fansite interview since the release of Deathly Hallows, we talk with Mary about everything from the Book 7 release to future Potter covers.
– Prior to the interview, we catch up on the latest news and more.
– Mary explains the process of designing the covers.
– Which cover gave her the most difficulty? Who is her favorite character to draw?
– What is her favorite book in the series?
– She breaks down the curtain comparison between the first and last novels.
– How much communication does she have with Jo? International illustrators?
– She discusses future anniversary covers and the HP encyclopedia.
– How difficult was it for her knowing the end of Deathly Hallows?
– To wrap up the show, Make The Music Connection returns.
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