Will recent slump in DVD sales affect Half-Blood Prince?
The Los Angeles Times has an interesting piece on how a recent slump in DVD sales may effect Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince's performance. Or will it?
[WB President Alan] Horn said he doesn't expect the soft DVD market to hamper sales of “Half-Blood Prince” because it's a “unique property.” He believes that although budget-conscious consumers have become more selective about the DVDs they purchase, they have been demonstrating a desire to own big films like “Potter,” “Transformers,” “Twilight” and Warner Bros.' “The Dark Knight,” which according to The-Numbers.com was 2008's top DVD with more than 12.7 million units sold domestically.
Although Horn took a lot of flak from “Potter” fans when the studio pushed back the release of “Half-Blood Prince” to July from last November, the move may help boost DVD sales because the film will be released during the heavy gift-buying holiday season.
That last sentence confirms that the Half-Blood Prince DVD will indeed see a release before the holiday season! Thanks to Foss for the tip.