MuggleCast #179: Grand Theft Dragon
The latest episode of our Harry Potter podcast has arrived! Join Micah, Eric, Nick and I for a great new show where we discuss the latest news and go in-depth on several topics submitted by listeners:
– News: Half-Blood Prince box office update, Deathly Hallows filming continues, theme park updates, John Williams performs Potter at the Hollywood Bowl.
– Registration for Infinitus 2010 is now open!
– Could Dumbledore have stopped Voldemort from becoming what he did?
– Why did JK Rowling get rid of Harry's father figures?
– Who that died in Deathly Hallows would have become a ghost?
– How does Harry get away with so many crimes?
– How will kids discover Potter in 20 – 30 years?
– Chicken Soup: Back to School Edition!
All that and a LOT more can be found in this week's show! To download the fun for free, we recommend subscribing through iTunes. Just CLICK HERE and then press “Subscribe” to the right of our album art. (Already subscribed? Refresh your feed!) No iPod or MP3 player needed! You can also visit the MuggleCast website to listen right within your browser, or to download the MP3 file to your desktop.