Dan Radcliffe, David Barron on shooting Deathly Hallows camping scenes in Scotland
The Sunday Mail has a new interview with actor Daniel Radcliffe and producer David Barron. The two discuss the camping scenes shot in Scotland and how they dealt with the frigid weather in the area last week.
Producer David Barron made a snap decision not to write snow scenes into the plot. He said:
“If we had the likelihood is that by the time we filmed them, the snow would have gone. We have only lost half a day's filming because of the snow.”
Instead of shooting the scheduled outdoor sequences last week, the team moved back inside the studios and completed scenes on the giant Hogwarts Great Hall set.
As he prepared to act out a dramatic scene in the battle against Voldemort, Daniel revealed that audiences can expect a change of scene when the first part of the finale is released later this year. He said:
“Part I is a road movie. We are not in Hogwarts at all and it's going to look very different, and the action is going to be pretty extraordinary.”