MuggleCast #191: Epic Road Operas
The latest episode of our Harry Potter podcast is now available for your listening pleasure!
Join Ben, Jamie, Micah and myself as we discuss (and in Ben's case, get deep over) the latest Harry Potter news stories. We also kick off our Prisoner of Azkaban Chapter by Chapter series! Plus:
– It's an all-guy show, and Andrew predicts extra madness.
– Lots of updates on the theme park, as Ben reveals he's not *that* excited.
– Our thoughts on Deathly Hallows being a 3D film.
– We discuss the Dursley's ongoing stubbornness, Aunt Marge's rudeness, and MUCH more related to the first three POA chapters.
– An e-mail arrives from a listener who doesn't think the Harry Potter series is as great as we make it out to be.
– We can FINALLY say we'll be doing a podcast at Infinitus 2010!
All that and a LOT more can be heard by downloading! To download the fun for free, we recommend subscribing through iTunes.
Just CLICK HERE and then press “Subscribe” to the right of our album art. (Already subscribed? Refresh your feed!) No iPod or MP3 player needed! You can also visit the MuggleCast website to listen right within your browser, or to download the MP3 file to your desktop.