First Recipe Submission: Treacle Tart
Earlier this week, we shared the first of our weekly fan art posts. Today, we kick off our weekly recipe submissions. Each week, we will feature Harry Potter fan recipes that would be seen at Hogwarts or that are traditional English fare.
Today, I am proud to share a recipe that my daughter Stephanie and I tried this week. We made Harry’s favorite dessert: Treacle Tart. It was actually quite a simple recipe. It was easy to follow and turned out to be quite delicious, if a bit sweet. It is particularly good served warm with a scoop of good-quality vanilla ice cream. Now we know why it’s Harry’s favorite dessert at Hogwarts. The recipe for this dessert can be found alongside many others in our “Rosmerta’s Recipes” section.
Please send us your recipes and perhaps they will be featured on the front page.