Oprah is looking for Harry Potter fans to share their stories about the franchise
The Oprah Winfrey Show is looking for Harry Potter fans to share their stories about how Harry Potter has impacted your life. The description reads:
What life lessons has the Harry Potter series taught you? Did reading about the death of Harry’s parents helped you cope with loss in your own life? Have the books helped you escape from a difficult time in your own life? If you could ask J.K. Rowling a question, what would it be?
Tell us how J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter series has inspired you or your family. Please only write if you are a muggle and willing to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
You can read more and write to the Oprah show at this link! At this time, we do not know when this Harry Potter episode will air. Thanks to Breanna for the tip.