Fan Art of the Week: ‘Hogwarts Crest in Post-It Notes’
This week’s Fan Art of the Week submission comes to us from Jill, and it’s a stop-motion video of her creating a pixilated version of the Hogwarts Crest…made entirely from Post-it Notes.
On YouTube, she wrote in the comments of this video, “[This was] by far my largest project with almost 1000 individual post-its used to make this crest! this took me waaaay too long to complete (estimate 10 hours spread over one month) but it was worth it.” Great job Jill!
To check out all of Jill’s art pieces, you can find her channel on YouTube right here.
Remember, fan art need not only be paintings or drawings, but any kind of art creation you want to submit. To learn how to submit your piece of Potter-themed fan art or view all of our archives, head on over to our MuggleNet Fan Art Section. Your piece of art could be selected and highlighted right here on our Home Page, just like Jill’s was this week.
See you next week!