Pottermore Insider updated: Beta testing and Wizards Duels
Today, the Pottermore Insider blog was updated and focused on some of the testing that has been going on since the mid-December maintenance was completed.
“In mid-Dember, we completed the maintenance work on Wizard’s Duel. Since then we have been monitoring the site for your responses and activity.
We are thrilled that Wizard’s Duel is so popular and wanted to explain what you may encounter when using it.
Every now and again you will be asked to fill in a CAPTCHA field, which we’ve added to ensure that the site is well-protected. We have also added a limit to the number of Duels you can perform in a given time frame, to make sure that all Pottermore Beta users can try their hand at Duelling.”
What do you think of the Wizard’s Duelling game on Pottermore? Leave us your comments below.