The Great Hall is now closed! MuggleNet O.W.L. exams are completed

Argus Filch has closed the Great Hall for extensive cleaning from the MuggleNet Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. We are planning to re-open the Great Hall next June, and look forward to your participation in these complex exams once again.
The O.W.L. exams were designed to showcase the comprehensive world that author J.K. Rowling created for the fans of the Harry Potter series. Sources of the information included everything from the basic seven novels, the schoolbooks, Tales of Beedle the Bard, to the Famous Witches and Wizards Cards, the Daily Prophets, and interviews with the author that provided additional canon information. (Some exams such as Astronomy, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy did contain content from the actual Muggle study of these subjects).
As promised, we will now reveal the guidelines for the grading system to the exams (total correct answers):
- 50 Question exams (30 minute timer): O – 46-50; E – 41 – 45; A – 34-40; P – 28-33; D – 16-27; T – 0-15
- 25 Question exams (20 minute timer): O – 23-25; E – 20-22; A – 16-19; P – 12-15; D – 7-11; T – 0-6
Here are the final statistics from the exams:
- Total Number of Candidates: 22,891
- Total Number of O.W.L. Exams taken: 63,592
Exam | Total Exams | O | E | A | P | D | T | ||||
Potions | Charms | Ancient Runes | Muggle Studies | Transfiguration | Care of Magical Creatures | D.A.D.A. | Arithmancy | History of Magic | Herbology | Divination | Astronomy |
All exam grades will be available shortly. Many email services have blocked the automated E-owl results from being delivered; therefore, we are currently designing a grade results display for each candidate on the entrance door to the Great Hall. Once this is created, you will simply log in with your email and candidate number and your results will be displayed on the door. This feature should be available in the next day or two. We apologize for the inconvenience many of you experienced with receiving your results.
What was your favorite part of the O.W.L. exams, and what was the feature you did not like (aside from the E-owl issue)? Were the exams too difficult or did you find them challenging yet fun? Let us know in the comments below.