The LA Dumbledore’s Army gathers next weekend for “Harry Potter Bowling Night”
Every once in a while we feature a group of devoted Harry Potter fans and help promote their special meetups. Today, we are featuring the Los Angeles Dumbledore’s Army group from California, which is the second largest Harry Potter group in the country behind the one and only TGTSNBN from New York.
Next Saturday, November 3, the Harry Potter group will take over the PV Bowl in Torrence, CA located at 24600 Crenshaw Blvd. The bowling alley has reserved the entire use of their facility including all 40 bowling lanes for this event, which takes place November 3, 2012 from 8 p.m. to Midnight. In addition to bowling, vendors from all over California are coming to display and sell their one of a kind Harry Potter themed goods from handmade stuffed dragons to bracelets and all in attendance will be entered into the event raffle. Attendees are encouraged to come dressed to magically impress, as there will be a costume contest. This is a family friendly, public event suitable for all ages. Butterbeer will be available for purchase for the underage wizards and selection of Harry Potter themed cocktails will be available in the bar for purchase for those 21 years and older. Admittance is only four dollars or eleven dollars with one game of bowling and shoes.
For more information on Harry Potter Bowling Night, visit the event Facebook page right here.
Los Angeles Dumbledore’s Army is a 21+ Harry Potter fan group with over 550 members which have been around since July of 2008. Harry Potter Bowling Night is the second event that the group has produced that is all ages, opening the opportunity for many of its members to bring their kids of all ages to share the Harry Potter love. Joining The Los Angeles Dumbledore’s Army is easy by visiting their website right here and signing up for the group. Meet ups are held two to three times a month and include Harry Potter themed trivia game nights, cooking competitions, scavenger hunts, pub crawls, costumed events, book club and more.