Pottermore Insider announces House Pride Week and date of awarding next House Cup

According to the Pottermore Insider today, the next House Cup will be awarded on Wednesday, November 21. The last House Cup was awarded to Slytherin. Will another house take the House Cup this round?
Be sure to help your house secure the title by brewing potions and dueling other members to gain points.
Additionally, the Pottermore Insider announce they will be kicking off a “House Pride Week” starting on Monday, November 12, with a day dedicated to each of the four houses. Hufflepuff will kick it off on Monday, followed by Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and finally Gryffindor. Comment and post if you have a Facebook or Twitter account and use our hashtags #HousePride, #HufflepuffPride, #RavenclawPride, #SlytherinPride, or #GryffindorPride.
Thanks to Hypable for the tip!