Announcing the Completion of Five Harry Potter Places Travel Guidebooks

Planning on making a special Potter-filled travel trip throughout the United Kingdom and abroad? Then this travel guide would be perfect for you.
No other Harry Potter travel guidebooks (or travel websites) provide as much Potterly important information! Whether simply dreaming of a Potterverse journey, or actually preparing for one, Potterites will thoroughly enjoy the Harry Potter Places travel guidebooks.
After four years of research, CD Miller and a host of helpful Harry Potter fans managed to find sixty-eight (68) Harry Potter places in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and one in Bjorli, Norway. We’ll lead you to every real-life location described in JK Rowling’s books, the places where filming occurred, and several sites that inspired the set designs seen on screen.
Read Free Samples of each Harry Potter Places travel guidebook and peruse the Supplementums-files containing extra information and special travel tips-free to Potterites and Muggles, alike. You’ll also find a ton of helpful links to travel supplies and gadgets. Everything you’ll need to plan the perfect Potter Holiday.
Are you planning on a Potter-filled vacation in 2013? Let us know in the comments below.