Check out Alohomora! Episode 21: ‘Jo… You Cheeky Monkey’ featuring MuggleCast’s Eric Scull!
The twenty-first episode of Alohomora! is now available for download! Listen in as hosts Noah, Kat, Rosie, and our special guest Eric Scull from MuggleCast analyze the third and fourth chapter of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! You can listen to the show on iTunes, in the Alohomora! section, or directly in your browser below.
On the show we discuss…
→ Episode 20 Recap: Was Harry abused?, Sneakoscopes, Ugly = Evil, “normality”, Errol’s character, Hedwig’s preference
→ Special Feature Recap: Pottermore, In Depth
→ PQOTW Responses
→ Alternate dimensions & wormholes
→ The Fudge conundrum
→ Would Harry really have been expelled?
→ Ron’s new wand
→ Why exactly does Hermione purchase Crookshanks?
→ What Sirius truly lost
→ Special Feature: What If?
→ Question of the Week
→ Check out our store!
After listening, you can comment on this episode with other fans in our forums and browse hundreds of other discussions dealing with all things Harry Potter. Keep in mind, though, that we read our favorite fan comments on the show, and then invite forum users with the most intriguing comments to be guest hosts.
Make sure to catch up with the all the latest episodes of Alohomora! by subscribing to our iTunes feed (for free) right here!, and keep up to date with all other updates by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Also, leave us a voicemail at our phone number: 1-206-GO-ALBUS (462-5287) or message AlohomoraMN on Skype with your comments!