Alohomora! Episode 27: ‘Witch Slap’ – Now Available!

Episode 27 of Alohomora! is now available for download! Listen in as hosts Caleb, Rosie, & Laura are joined by fan guest Pierra! On this episode we analyze chapters 15 & 16 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Before you rewind with us, we suggest you do the reading first! You can listen to the show on iTunes, on the Podcast Page, or using the convenient player below.
HAVE YOU HEARD? Alohomora! is moving to weekly shows – and have added two amazing new full time hosts: Laura Reilly (the shows current exec. producer), and long time Potter podcaster, Eric Scull! Our first weekly episode will be released next Saturday, April 27th!
Shownotes for Episode 27: Prisoner of Azkaban, 15-16: Witch Slap
→ HUGE exciting announcement!
→ Episode 26 Recap: Dolores’ heart; life debts; horcruxes, vessels & souls; Hogwarts spunky decor
→ Special Feature Recap: What If?
→ PQOTW Responses
→ The slap heard round the world
→ Trelawney’s plight
→ Scream, cry, & shout!
→ Exam torture
→ Was Trelawney’s prediction triggered by Harry?
→ Why did Pettigrew stick around?
→ Special Feature: Pottermore, In Depth
→ Question of the Week
→ Check out our store!
→ Discuss this episode in our forums!
Make sure to check out our amazing new Host-themed T-shirts! Each of the shirts feature a commonly used phrase from Noah, Kat, Caleb, and Rosie on the show. Head on over to the Alohomora! store to check out the merchandise.
To accompany this episode, exclusively on our app, hosts Noah & Kat take you on a tour of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! To download our app and check out this exclusive clip, click RIGHT HERE. It’s available for your iPhone, iPad, Android, & Kindle. Only $1.99 or 1.29GBP! The app also has a lot of other awesome information, like transcripts and bloopers. Don’t miss out!
For more information about the podcast, to listen online, and to find out how to beon the show, check out our Podcast page.
Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail at our phone number: 1-206-GO-ALBUS (462-5287)! Skype users can also send us a message to username AlohomoraMN.