Pottermore reveals plans for updated homepage design
It has just been announced on Pottermore’s Insider Blog that when the final chapters of Prisoner of Azkaban are released, users will also get a brand new signed-in homepage.
From the description on the Insider Blog, it appears that the new homepage has been designed to facilitate user navigation of the site. There are four main features of the new homepage:
1. The Story Navigator
This feature was recently featured in a previous Insider post, and will allow users to browse through thumnails of moments and navigate to the ones they want to explore.
2. A Map
A map of Hogwarts and the Wizarding World will allow users to click on areas they want to explore, like Diagon Alley or the Great Hall. New features and areas to explore will be added as Pottermore continues to grow!
3. A User Profile Summary
This seems to be a redesigned navigation bar. You’ll be able to see at a glance your Username, Hogwarts House, Items, Badges, Friends, Housepoints, and Favorites.
4. An Updates and Suggestions Side Bar
On the right hand side of the screen will be a side bar that informs users of Pottermore updates and new information so that you always know what’s going on with the site. While you’re exploring a Moment, this side bar will have both ‘Read About’ and ‘Related Moments’ features, providing new ways for you to engage with Pottermore content.
Be sure and check out the Insider post to get a peek at what these new features will actually look like! What do you think of the design of the new homepage? What’s your favorite new feature? What do you wish they’d included? Let us know!