Chamber of Winged Keys

August 3, 2013

Dear Professor Flitwick,

Knowing you are great at charms, are you able to cast a patronus? If so, what is your patronus? And what was the charm you used to make the Chamber of Winged Keys?

Jamie Ravenclaw

Dear Jamie Ravenclaw,

I am indeed able to cast a patronus, though it is normally not corporeal. I find that a non-corporeal patronus can be quite powerful indeed and suits my purposes just fine. I will not give away my best tricks so easily, and several charms were used to create the Chamber of Winged Keys. If you would like to produce a similar effect, however, I would recommend studying up on lesser versions of the Flying Charm. Of course, if you are a student, I highly recommend doing this only under the direct supervision of a skilled witch or wizard, and in any case, you should start by trying to enchant just one object, not an entire roomful!

Warm regards,
Professor Flitwick