Weary Wand Waver

August 20, 2013

Dear Professor Lupin,

I often find that my wand arm grows tired after practicing magic. Is there something wrong with my wand, or is it just me? What should I do?

Weary Wand Waver

Dear Weary,

A wizard is usually fit to monitor his own level of exertion… I see no indication of a problem with your wand, though perhaps you are over-exerting yourself in your practice. There are a number of exercises I would recommend that will keep your wand arm fit to flex, and a number of positions or methods which will keep the arm fairly healthy even when taut. Try practicing with your wand once it’s had a density incremental spell put on it – I recommend dealing with 3x or 4x the weight of your wand, in short, quick bursts. Within weeks you will find your normal, unweighted wand, a pleasure to wield in comparison, and you’ll have trained your body to handle the strain that can be, at times, complex combative magic.

Remus Lupin