USPS will issue a new “Harry Potter” stamp this November for the holidays
According to a recent postal bulletin, the United States Postal Service (USPS) will be issuing a new Harry Potter 46c Forever stamp this coming November in time for the holidays.
At this time, there are no images available for the stamp, but we will update this news item when one becomes available. We can only imagine the image will have a Christmas feel to it, like the Great Hall with its giant Christmas trees, or perhaps Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the snow. What do you think the image will be? Let us know in the comments below.
Thanks to John Z. for the tip!
As a side note: We remind you that if you are in the New York City area this weekend, that there will be a new Harry Potter stamp exhibit “The Magical World of Harry Potter” that is making its stop at the 2013 ASDA National Postage Stamp Show, taking place October 10-13 at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City.
Additional reminder: If you are in the UK, you may want to stop into Oxford’s Bodleian Library starting this weekend and check out the rare annotated version of Harry Potter and the Phiosopher’s Stone at the “Magical Books” exhibit.