Ten Signs You Might Be Obsessed with the Trio
Guaranteed to prove you’re insane!
- You tell everyone they’re your distant cousins.
- You’ve written more letters to them than you can count.
- Instead of asking WWJD (What would Jesus do?) you ask WWERDD (What would Emma, Rupert and Dan do?).
- You have a not-so-secret shrine to one and/or all three members of the trio in your closet.
- You have more pictures of them than you do of your own family.
- You were sleeping in Leicester Square three days before the premiere. Ditto in London. Ditto in France.
- You can no longer attend the premieres due to a restraining order.
- Your room would scare even the biggest Harry Potter fans.
- You don’t consider news important unless it involves one of the trio.
- People think you suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder because they constantly hear you referring to “Dan,” “Emma,” and “Rupert.”
Submitted by: Anonymous