“The Lone Ranger,” starring Helena Bonham Carter, to be released on DVD and Blu-ray December 17
The Lone Ranger, Disney’s 2013 action film starring Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, and Helena Bonham Carter, has been given a DVD and Blu-ray release date. The movie is set to be released in the USA on December 17, 2013, on Blu-ray combo, digital HD, and On Demand.
The Lone Ranger tells the story of John Reid, The Lone Ranger (Hammer), and Tonto (Depp), a mysterious vigilante, who team up to seek vengeance after justice fails them. Helena Bonham Carter (our favorite Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange) plays Red Harrington, a brothel madame who assists Reid and Tonto on their quest.
The Lone Ranger is already available on DVD and Blu-ray for Australian fans, and its American release comes just in time to make the perfect Christmas present.