Top 20 Ways to Annoy the Snot out of H/Hr Shippers
H/Hr shippers beware!
- Brag about how you always knew Ron and Hermione were perfect for one another.
- Constantly go to MuggleNet just to see if Wall of Shame has been updated.
- Show them the numerous times when evidence supported R/Hr any chance you get.
- Talk a lot about one Emerson Spartz.
- Mention Emerson.
- Suggest grief counseling.
- Constantly use the world “delusional.”
- Get into heated arguments about which hints were the “anvil-sized” ones.
- Stay at least ten feet away from them at all times, as if afraid of some disease.
- Invite Emerson to a thread of angry H/Hr Shippers so he can publicly humiliate them.
- Compliment Emerson on his Wall of Shame: Special Edition.
- Write your own Wall of Shame.
- Write tons of R/HR fan fiction.
- Read your list of anvil-sized hints to them over and over and over again.
- Go to threads of angry Harmony shippers and laugh.
- Use words such as “delusional” and “anvil-sized hints” on said threads.
- Sing songs with lyrics changed to support R/Hr.
- Imitate angry H/Hr Shippers.
- Send them links to R/Hr fansites.
- Be unprofessional, arrogant, unprofessional, insensitive, unprofessional, immature, inconsiderate, unprofessional, irresponsible, unprofessional, juvenile, unprofessional, tactless, and unprofessional. It wouldn’t hurt to be the Wall of Shame caretaker and founder either. Nor would it hurt to be named Emerson.
Submitted by: Kaity