Fan Focus: Jess – February 23, 2014

16-year-old Ravenclaw Jess from the United States
How did you become a Harry Potter fan?
I was introduced to Harry before I could even read. We heard about the series through family in England. At the time, I was in the hospital with a rare autoimmune disorder. One night, my dad started reading Philosopher’s Stone to me. I remember sucking on a juice box and staring at the cover. Until I was 5, my parents still read them to me. But now I wanted to try it for myself. It took me almost 2 weeks to finish Philosopher’s Stone and I’ve been hooked on this series and its fandom ever since.
What Potter fandom memory would you keep in your Pensieve?
Going to LeakyCon for the first time last year!! As a practically born and raised Potterhead, I’ve been fantasizing about Leaky almost since it’s inception. It soared far beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. It was amazing to see how much it has grown and how strong this community is. I got to meet tons of fandom friends, make new ones, drink butterbeer, and show off my HP pride.
What was your reaction to the news about Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them?
At first, I was completely calm, like it’s probably just a rumor, I don’t want to get psyched over nothing. Then I saw it on more reputable sites and I basically lost it. I loooove FBWTFT and literally drove everyone I know insane from talking about it. I just – it made my month. But the wait! But I’m good at being patient. Mostly…
Describe what being part of the Harry Potter fandom has meant to you in seven words or less.
Never being alone in the world.