“The Tonight Show” takes on Diagon Alley!
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Universal Orlando is currently hosting a Diagon Alley preview event this week in anticipation of announcing the opening date for the new addition to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Many media outlets, including MuggleNet, have been invited to the park for the reveal and all that leads up to it. The first and perhaps most publicized outlet that has given us a look at Diagon Alley is television personality and late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon.
His show is live from Orlando all this week, and the first episode on location was aired last night on NBC. In the event you weren’t able to stay up that late to watch, we’ve found the bits from his show that featured Diagon Alley and the Hogwarts Express, including a trip to Ollivanders where Jimmy and his co-host Higgins went in search of the perfect wand. You can watch the opening of Monday’s show and the visit to Ollivanders below – but be warned: the videos do contain some suggestive language.
Do the videos make you want to visit Diagon Alley even more? What did you think about Ollivanders Wand Shop? Let us know by commenting below!