WOULD YOU RATHER… be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus? Let Us Know With #MNWYR
Before you answer, consider the following:
ANIMAGUS: A witch or wizard who can morph into an animal. Learned trait. Very difficult and could backfire. Takes years to learn to do. Does not require a wand. Requires registration with MoM Improper Use of Magic office. Read more on Harry Potter Wiki.
- You’ll be able to transform into an animal at will.
- You’ll be able to perform a rare and difficult form of magic—a shoo-in for Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts.
- Easy to disguise yourself.
- A great way to ward off the effects of Dementors and/or escape from Azkaban.
- You have no control over the sort of animal you will become.
- The process to become an Animagus is dangerous, arduous, and time-consuming.
- Because you have to register with the MoM, you won’t be able to hide from them unless you become an illegal Animagus like Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail.
- Hard to perform spells as an animal.
METAMORPHMAGUS: A witch or wizard with the ability to change his or her physical appearance at will. Extremely rare. Inherited trait. Read more on Harry Potter Wiki.
- You can look whatever way you want from facial structure to hair color—never needing hair dye.
- Never needing to endure Crabbe or Goyle Polyjuice Potion.
- Being able to perform a rare magic not requiring a wand and not needing to spend years learning how to morph.
- Being able to disguise yourself at will.
- If you change too much about your appearance too often, no one will recognize the real you.
- Possible to suffer identity crises—what do you really look like?
- Not learning to make complex potions like Polyjuice Potion because you don’t need them.
- Others may not fully trust you because of your ability to disguise yourself at will.
There you have it, so WOULD YOU RATHER… be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus? Respond in the discussion section or via Twitter with #MNWYR.