John Cleese to appear at sold out Q&A session in Seattle

John Cleese, who portrayed Nearly Headless Nick in the Harry Potter films, will be discussing his new autobiography So, Anyway… this weekend at University Temple United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington, in front of an already sold-out crowd. Conducting the Q&A session will be Seattle radio personality Steve Scher.

The University of Washington bookstore’s website describes Cleese’s new autobiography, saying,

Cleese shares his journey from small town boy and aspiring lawyer to comedy pioneer and legend, weaving together stories and digressions into a fascinating primer on what’s funny and why that’s as entertaining as any of his shows.

As reported yesterday on MuggleNet, Cleese was recently named the most influential British comedy icon of all time, and as these ticket sales demonstrate, he has been incredibly influential here in the United States as well.

According to the Seattle Times, attendees of the Q&A session may be able to look forward to answers such as these that he has given fans on his book tour:

Q: I was struck by your memory for events during your childhood. How did you resurrect those years?

A: As you remember stuff, it reminds you of more stuff. You remember things you literally have not recalled for 40 or 50 years, and one thought leads to a lot of others.

It’s very interesting and really rather pleasant. … you remember seeing a man hit by a car, and then you remember your dad handling you gently, walking across the street. You tend to remember the stuff that’s significant to you.


Q: There is not a whole lot about the Pythons in ‘So Anyway.’ Why did you decide to stop when you did? The ‘Life of Brian’ controversy could have been a chapter unto itself.

A: That did begin to worry me. But it does say it’s an autobiography. The word ‘autobiography’ is the key word. I think I’m going to write two more because I enjoy it much more than acting. It will be not just about Monty Python and ‘Fawlty Towers’ but [also] about therapy, psychology, my marriages, why there is no hope. Our planet will never be rational. There are just a few people who are loving and decent and rational. You have to seek them out.

The Q&A session will take place this Sunday, November 16 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets to the sold-out event were priced at $28 and include a signed copy of So, Anyway…

Are you going to be one of the lucky attendees at this event? Have you started reading Cleese’s wickedly funny autobiography, yet? Let us know in the comments below!