Fan Focus: Isabella – December 14, 2014

19-year-old Slytherin Isabella from New Zealand
How did you become a Harry Potter fan?
I first read Harry Potter at age 13, and I started with the fifth book in the series, as I only owned that one at that stage. I fell in love with the series, and from that point onwards I have been a happy Potterhead, who is extremely grateful to have such a wonderful series to read!
What is one theory you had about the books before they finished that you wish had come true?
I wish Dudley had ended up with a magical son, as considered by our Queen. It was not to be, but that story would have been interesting!
What would your Patronus be and why?
My [P]atronus would be a lion. I am not really that loud or bold as a person, but internally I live a very vibrant life, and it would be expressed quite fiercely in my spirit form!
What was your reaction to the news about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?
I am beyond excited for this new series. Not only do we get the most famous wizarding animal-man around, [but] he is [also] a Hufflepuff and proud! So great to see a proud Hufflepuff as our main character.