Fan Focus: Jen – February 8, 2015

25-year-old Gryffindor Jen from Maryland, USA
How did you become a Harry Potter fan?
In my 9th grade English class we finished our work early, and the teacher asked us to free read until the end of class. I didn’t have a book, and all she had was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone or a book on whales. The rest was history.
If you could have one prop from the set of the films, which would it be?
Sirius'[s] wand. Hands down. Or really, anything of Sirius'[s], Remus'[s] or Tonks'[s]. But mainly Sirius'[s] wand.
What Potter fandom memory would you keep in your Pensieve?
The day I was able to visit the Making [o]f Harry Potter in London. I took a second job and saved for a year to make the trip across the pond to visit the sets, and walking into the Great Hall was an extremely surreal experience. Add flying the broom, all the costumes, sets, and being able to sit on Sirius'[s] motorbike, and it was a dream come true. I cried the entire time; Hogwarts truly welcomed me home that day.
What do you think you might see if given the chance to look into the Mirror of Erised?
I think I would see myself living in the UK with my dream job of being an editor for Bloomsbury. Just having a small flat and living a happy life while traveling around the world. And Sirius would be alive. That would definitely be something I would see.