Fan Art of the Week: Hogwarts in pen

Hogwarts is an iconic symbol to Harry himself, as well as the fandom at large. It represents home and togetherness for all. Abhik, a fan from India, submitted to us a line drawing of Hogwarts Castle. Rather than going for the blending modes that can be achieved with a pencil, Abhik chose the more difficult medium of pen and ink.

Staff member’s notes: Choosing to use ink rather than a graphite pencil is a commendable decision. Not allowing yourself to make any mistakes is a daunting task for an artist, and Abhik made it look easy! The artist also cleverly decided to use an aged-looking paper, which added to the warmth that Hogwarts represents.

We have many other examples of art on our “Fan Art” page along with the rules for sending us your own work via the email