Fan Focus: Komal – May 24, 2015

15-year-old Gryffindor Komal from Canada
How did you become a Harry Potter fan?
I’ve been watching the movies since I was little! In the fourth grade my teacher got us to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone as a novel study. I can remember being in kindergarten and arguing with one of my friends about who was the bigger Harry Potter fan! I got more into Harry Potter in grade 6 because it really helped me through a rough time. It had just the right amount of reality in a fictional world. Harry Potter reserves a special place in my heart 🙂
Describe what being part of the Harry Potter fandom has meant to you in seven words or less.
A family that will never die.
If you could have one prop from the set of the films, which would it be?
A FIREBOLT. WHY? Because Quidditch is life.
What would your Patronus be and why?
A lion because I’m in Gryffindor. Also, where I am from, [l]ions are our symbol! I even have a gold ring with a lion on it, the same as my brother and my dad. I’m also incredibly lazy. I have confidence in myself, there[by] being a good leader and public speaker. These qualities match with lions, which is why I think a lion would be my [P]atronus.