Harry Potter and the Gunpowder Plot
Guy Fawkes Day, or Bonfire Night as it is more commonly called, is the day when the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is remembered. Guy Fawkes and his friends attempted to blow up Parliament with many barrels of gunpowder. They were caught, and Guy Fawkes was executed for his treasonous plans. Today, we remember Guy Fawkes with fireworks, bonfires, parades, and lots of yummy treats.
In the Harry Potter books, Guy Fawkes Day is only mentioned once, in Sorcerer’s Stone, by a Muggle weatherman. J.K. Rowling named Albus Dumbledore’s phoenix Fawkes after Guy Fawkes, but there is no mention in the books that wizards actually celebrate Guy Fawkes Day. What if they did? What would a Wizarding Bonfire Night look like?
The Weasley twins can do some amazing things with fireworks. I’m sure that they would be a hit on Bonfire Night. Stock up the next time you visit their shop in Diagon Alley.
With all of the fireplaces in the wizarding world, I’m sure that they would know how to make a great bonfire. Maybe there would even be a competition for the biggest one. The best parties would have Dumbledore light the fire.
I would love to see what a parade looks like in the wizarding world. There would most likely be crazy floats that can only be held up by magic.
The wizarding world already has tons of yummy treats. I’m sure that another holiday would inspire them to create new ones. Sugar Guy Fawkeses that are actually on fire? Yes, please!
What would you want to see at a Wizarding Bonfire Night? Let us know in the comments.