StarKid’s Joe Moses Teams Up with HPA’s Andrew Slack to Create “The US Rebel Alliance”
Two figures well known to the Harry Potter community, StarKid’s Joe Moses and founder of the Harry Potter Alliance Andrew Slack, have launched a new campaign to aid in the fight against darkness – The US Rebel Alliance. In partnership with the Harry Potter Alliance, this campaign aims to end the influence of big money on our government and policies. You can find out more about their mission by watching their introductory video:
And here’s some more information from the US Rebel Alliance website:
We’re a non-partisan network of Americans harnessing the cultural energy surrounding ‘Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens’ to fight for our Republic by helping to loosen big money’s tightly[ ]held grip over politics. The next installment of the most popular piece of American pop culture in the last 40 years is the perfect opportunity to fight political inequality by rising up against the Empire of Big Money.
Through the power of the two biggest blockbusters in the United States — Star Wars and the 2016 Election—the #maytheforcebewithUS campaign is building a Rebel Alliance of pro-democracy activists, Star Wars fans, non-profit groups, and celebrities to fight the threat of Big Money to the Republic.
We are dedicated to the proposition that every person’s voice in our Republic is of equal value. We envision a nation where those most connected to their communities become our public officials — not a small group of professional politicians who are beholden to a few super wealthy donors.
As you can see, supporters range from Darren Criss to Mark Ruffalo and beyond – you can join for yourself here.
More recently, Moses put together a truly epic rap battle featuring A Very Potter Musical‘s Joey Richter (Ron Weasley) and Brian Rosenthal (Professor Quirinus Quirrell) between the forces of good and evil – Alexander Hamilton and Kylo Ren – to help illustrate the aims of the campaign. Check it out below:
Fans have the power to make a difference – this is just one way how!