Nine Things to Look Forward to at the US Quidditch Cup
The ninth annual US Quidditch Cup is this weekend in Columbia, South Carolina. I love Quidditch, and I used to play in college, so I’m very excited to attend. Here’s what I’m looking forward to at the event this weekend.
1. Kidditch

Tegan Bridge
Kidditch is the kid’s version of Quidditch. The rules are changed to make it safer for children to play the game. This year, there is a special field devoted to Kidditch. Volunteers will be there to help teach the children Quidditch and supervise gameplay. It is great to see children play their first game of Quidditch, and it’s nice to know that we’re getting the next generation interested in the sport. Quidditch is going to be around for a long time thanks to them.
2. Merch
There are several vendors signed up to sell merch at the event. US Quidditch will have T-shirts and other US Quidditch Cup merchandise for sale. Harry and the Potters will be selling T-shirts, CDs, and other band merch. The Harry Potter Alliance will be collecting books for its Accio Books campaign and selling T-shirts and other HPA merchandise. There will be several other vendors selling merch and food. I can’t wait to see all of the goodies that everyone will be selling.
3. Brooms
All of the players at the US Quidditch Cup are required to use the special brooms provided to them for the tournament. This year, the brooms were custom made by Peterson’s Broomsticks, and they look amazing. There will be a limited amount of brooms for sale at the event.
4. Livestreams
Can’t make it to the event? Don’t worry! There will be several livestreams for you to watch the matches. If you don’t have time to sit and watch a livestream, then you can follow us on Snapchat at mugglenetdotcom. I’ll make sure to keep it updated all weekend.
5. Snitchwiches
No Harry Potter event would be complete without Snitchwiches. These yummy treats were invented at LeakyCon 2011 and have become increasingly popular over the past few years. I know that I’m not going to go home without eating one or ten.
6. Harry and the Potters
I’m very excited to see Harry and the Potters perform on Sunday. Their concerts are always filled with energy and love. You can tell that they really love performing and being Harry Potter.
7. Snitch antics
One of my favorite parts about watching Quidditch is seeing what the Snitch runners get up to. I can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeves.
8. Fans
Whenever a group of Harry Potter fans comes together in one place, you can feel the huge amount of positive energy coming from them. There will be tons of fans there from all over the country. There may even be some cosplayers in attendance.
9. Quidditch
Of course, the best part of the US Quidditch Cup is the sport itself. Quidditch players are some of the most amazing athletes out there. There are 60 teams competing this year, and everyone is eager to watch some Quidditch and see which team will win.
What are you most looking forward to at the US Quidditch Cup? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to check out our Snapchat for coverage all weekend.