MoM Elections: Q&A with Reggie Stump
Hey there, Daily Prophet readers! This is Lizzy Longmire, with the latest gossip from the upcoming Minister of Magic elections! I just so happened to run into the surprise candidate of this election, Reggie Stump, at the Leaky Cauldron last night and simply had to ask her some of the burning questions that my dedicated readers are just dying to ask!
I caught her after her fifth darts game with some of her cheering constituents and sat down with her and a pint of the Leaky Cauldron’s best ale. I warned her, my readers had some very pointed questions for her. She laughed and said, “Bring it on!”
So my first question has been asked by my readers ever since she first announced her candidacy: “Honestly, Ms. Stump, my readers simply want to know why you believe that you, as a Squib, are the most qualified to be our Minister of Magic.”
I understand the concerns of the witches and wizards of the magical community, but I have more experience with politics than my opponents, having studied political science in college. As a Squib, I have a unique perspective to offer the community. As I’ve said before, humans aren’t the only ones who are in the magical community, so I want to make sure that the government benefits us all, not us few.
“As I understand it,” I continued, “you believe that every magical being should have a place in our government. What about the creatures that have given up their ‘being’ status in favor of ‘beast’ status, such as the Dementors of Azkaban? Do you really think that they have a place among us?”
Reggie, as she wants to be called, had the good grace to pause and think about the question.
Well, Ms. Longmire, that is a very complicated question. Many of the magical world do not believe that so-called beasts, and indeed, Dementors, are true beings with their own autonomy and rational thoughts – that they are mindless monsters. However, the events surrounding the Second Wizarding War and the Dementors’ actions around Azkaban call that judgment into question. More time is needed to truly understand them and what they can offer to the magical community, but I firmly believe that any being should have the opportunity for equal representation.
“Interesting view! Now, you have taken over the frankly questionable WETS group from the rather scandalous Ira Tater. Why did you take over the leadership instead of letting the group pass into obscurity?”
The group honestly does great work bringing to light the discrimination that the Squib population of the wizarding community suffers. Ira Tater was a questionable choice of leadership, and her methods of protest were not agreed upon by the group. I didn’t want the group to suffer for the actions of Ms. Tater.
“All right, as you know, I have all of my interviewees participate in a lightning round of quick answer questions! Remember, in the lightning round, just answer each question with one to two words! Here we go! Friends or family?”
“Halloween or Christmas?”
“Cats or dogs?”
“Definitely dogs.”
“Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum or Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans?”
“Floo powder or broomstick?”
Definitely unexpected answers from the Minister of Magic hopeful! After finishing our ales, Reggie rejoined her partner Melissa to walk home on this lovely autumn night. That concludes our spontaneous interview with Reggie Stump, and don’t forget to get out there and vote for our future Minister of Magic this November!