Five “Harry Potter” Moments to Keep You Warm This Winter
At last, December has arrived, and Christmas is just around the corner! What could be a more perfect time to reread the Harry Potter series? While so many parts of the books are tainted with sadness, ‘tis the season for feeling the feels and happiness all around! So here are five Harry Potter moments to keep you warm this winter…
1. McGonagall Gives Harry a Broomstick
She may be strict, severe, and shockingly cold at times, but Minerva McGonagall clearly has a big heart. After being wildly impressed by Harry’s Quidditch skills, an unexpected parcel arrives at the Gryffindor table one breakfast. Aside from Hagrid’s birthday cake, the Nimbus 2000 is the first present Harry has received that’s been given out of love and not spite. And deep down, we all know that McGonagall has also gifted this because she has a lion-hearted desperation for Gryffindor to win the House Cup, and not just because she has a soft spot for a certain Potter.
2. Harry’s First Visit to the Burrow
The Burrow quickly becomes Harry’s home away from home while at Hogwarts. His excitement at potentially spending Christmas there in fifth year, and his joy at arriving at the Burrow in fourth and sixth year, is immense. Upon first arriving, Harry is suddenly pulled into the warmth of pots enchanted to clean themselves, a clock that monitors the movement of each inhabitant, and of course, the screaming but loving wrath of Molly Weasley. The Weasley family isn’t always perfect, nor are their gnomes, but the Burrow continues to be a place of love and friendship that Harry will happily rush to with open arms. A warm hug, if you may.
3. Fred and George’s Exit of Hogwarts
Fred and George were never the most academic of students. Their talents always lay outside the realms of passing exams, because who needs exams when you can make people laugh?! Under the thumb of toad-faced Umbridge, they could have been beaten down. But NO! Before flying off together, they unleashed fireworks and let Peeves loose, ready to start Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Not only did they undermine the education system that didn’t work for them, but also they did it in style, ultimately making WWW a huge money-spinner.
4. Ron and Hermione Get Together
After years of awkward situations, hideous arguments, and attempting to save Harry, Ron and Hermione finally get together in the middle of the Battle of Hogwarts. Ron and Hermione are perfect for each other. They’re like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that complement one another so well, and I’m not just saying that to please my shipping heart. By the time of the Epilogue, it’s clear that Ron and Hermione have been married for at least a decade and to amp up to warm fuzzy feelings, are still very much in love. Sorry Dramione and Harmony shippers (and all those other ships. That’s right, I see you.), but Romione for the win.
5. The Epilogue
It’s 2017… 19 years later, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all seem fairly content with their lives. No havoc. No Voldemort 2.0s. Just quiet lives, like they so deserved. Now with Hermione rising up the rankings of politics, Ron working for Weasleys’ Wizards Wheezes, Harry becoming head of the Aurors, and Ginny taking the Daily Prophet’s position as Senior Quidditch Correspondent, they’re sending their children off to Hogwarts. As the clock strikes eleven, and Rose Granger-Weasley and Albus Potter depart King’s Cross on the Hogwarts Express, we’re left peacefully knowing that “All is well.” Well, until Harry Potter and the Cursed Child comes around, but more on that another time.
Now that we’ve let you know five of our warmest moments, what are yours? Sit yourself down by the common room fire, grab a hot butterbeer, and let us know in the comments!