Nine Valentine’s Wrock Songs to Kiss or Cry To
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The stores are filling up with chocolates and flowers and love potions, and you might be all a-flutter with cartoon hearts above your head, sobbing into your Draco Malfoy pillow, or just completely indifferent. If the first, there are some great tunes here for you and your significant other. If the second, there are some cry-alongs, and if the third, well, wizard rock is awesome, and you should be listening to it anyway. Whomever you ship, there’s probably a wizard rock song for you. Here are nine to help you, no matter how you’re spending your Valentine’s Day.
1. First, we have a flashback to the most awkward Valentine’s Day ever, in which Harry has a disastrous date with Cho. Let’s reminisce about it over “Human Hosepipe” by Harry and the Potters:
2. If you’d rather remember the greatest kiss scene in the Potter books, try “The Happiest Day” by Ginny and the Heartbreakers:
3. However, if you are feeling extra sad today and just want to cry a little, here’s “Oh Ginny” by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls:
4. Okay, enough with the Harry/Ginny business, I know. What about some other ships? If you’re a Luna fan, you’re sure to love “Luna Lovegood” by the Ministry of Magic:
5. Or maybe you are a Harry/Draco shipper? If so (and let’s be real, even if not), “Draco and Harry” by the Whomping Willows is an essential classic:
6. We gotta give Ron and Hermione some love on this list, so here’s “Broken Wand” by Kirstyn Hippe:
7. What about the love that lasted a lifetime? If you’re a Snape fan, you simply must check out “Maybe” by Lauren Fairweather, the opening song on her album dedicated to Severus and Lily, The Prince’s Tale:
8. If you need even more sadness, imagine poor Remus watching his best friend date the only girl at Hogwarts who was nice to him. “Alone on Valentine’s Day” by the Remus Lupins will ensure tears:
9. Finally, the sweetest wizard rock love song of all time, “Honeydukes” by Kirstyn Hippe and performed by Joey Richter and Mary Kate Wiles from the short film “I Ship It”: